NB. 'idyutz.com' is the pre-2024 gawful.com archive.
Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they marveled at him. Mark 12:17.
Chris said to them, "Render to me your worldy riches, and to God a few quid in the Tithe Box on Sunday." So they threw their marbles at him. Now they have lost their marbles and they ain't gettin' them
back again. 'Marked Man', 25:12:24.
A few sobering words from; [1] John F Kennedy ("JFK"), on April 27, 1961; [2] Henry Kissinger ("HK"), November, 1968; [3] Georgy Zhukov, Marshall of the Soviet Union ("GZ"),
1945 ...
JFK: "For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence - on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion
instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of
a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. It's preparations are concealed, not published. It's mistakes are
buried, not headlined. It's dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed."
HK: (originally about the Vietnam war): " ... it may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.”
GZ: "We have liberated them (Europeans), and they will never forgive us for that."
NB. If you were not previously aware of any of this, you should be by now.
Firstly, and even alllowing for my small degree of immodesty, I understand the value of always getting a second opinion. But as a Gemini, I do not have to look very far for one, and I usually tend
to agree with myself.
Secondly, I also consider myself to be a "man of letters". Consequently, and because of my frustrating life experiences, I often feel the need to use them four at a time.
Thirdly, I would say I am a person who can be counted upon. Unless, of course, I keep my hands in my pockets.
Fourthly. I sometimes tell people about my feelings of Deja Vu. Often they reply that they think I have already told them of this, but they are not quite sure when or where.
Finally, when I was younger and working regular weekdays, I looked forward to Friday nights and weekends. Now I'm old and knackered, I'm not sure what day of the week it is.
My motivation
One of the best lessons you will learn in life is that we are all deceived on a daily basis. Ergo, you have to question everything that comes before you.
So who, or what, do you put your faith in? Difficult question, and one that is not easily answered. Someone once said "consider everything, believe nothing". These are wise words.
Whatever we do, we have to chose a path through life. We could just let ourselves be led by those who think they know what is best for us - but are their motives good or bad?
A lot depends on the politics involved. On issues where it is felt we should be deceived, then we shall be deceived. On mundane everyday issues, there is no need to lie, to mislead.
So! I present to you my ongoing collection of 'memes'. They are not there to influence you one way or another, they are there to get you thinking about the world around you.
In closing I say this: it's a shame that so many people do not question what they see and experience. They prefer to remain as part of the 'zombie' culture. This culture is one where many
cannot be bothered to learn the truth, or at least attempt to learn the truth. These are the people who just swallow everything the establishment presents to them. Sad, isn't it?
MoneyLots of moneyA skipload of moneyA vast fortuneA goldmineGood foodSleepingA beer or twoChessFootballGood moviesNatureGardeningUnbridled PowerWorld DominationUnlimited AdorationDid I mention money?Oh, sod it. Just give me everything I want.