Date: Saturday, 17th June, 2017.
Never, ever again.
Grenfell Tower. This should never have happened - but it did. I'm not usually lost for words, but like virtually everyone else, I cannot read or watch reports about this incident without choking back
my strong emotional feelings. Nobody should die like this. But in the Middle East they do. The criminal attitude that devalues human life to the point it is not considered sacred enough to preserve,
to protect and to care for is (obviously) unacceptable.
The fallout from Grenfell Tower is going to resonate for a very long time to come. Even in decades to come, the mention of the name will stop us in our tracks. But these things happen because they
are allowed to happen when those with the power to protect decide that money is more important than human life. In this respect Grenfell Tower has established how far degraded our society has become when
the politics of privilege and self-interest dominate our society. Consequently, there is a chain of responsibility going back and beyond the simple process of blaming those who had the responsibility
to ensure such a terrible tragedy could never happen. It goes back as far as those members of society who empowered those who have authority, and assumed that those with such authority would do their
jobs responsibly and with due diligence.
Everyone in the UK needs to ask themselves this question: When I go out and vote again, will I vote just for my own interests, or will I consider that I live in a Nation where EVERYONE'S wellbeing
is my responsibility? After all, it is one thing to vote for a particular political movement, but it is another thing to ask if those we are voting for are capable of taking care of all of our citizens.
Sadly, many will not do this. Many will vote and not take into consideration the consequences that may ensue.
In conclusion, Grenfell Tower will not just be about apportioning blame, it will also be about our trust in Government, and our responsibility to ensure those in whom we put our trust are going to do
their jobs to the best of their ability.
Just like medicine, prevention is always better than cure. Incidents such as Grenfell Tower prove that prevention is not just a preference, it is a critical component of our society. And Mail Boat
anyone who votes again for their own selfish interests to the detriment of the rest of society. Hope for the future? Not likely. As I said, in the Middle East incidents which have the same impact as
Grenfell Tower have become commonplace events for millions of innocent people. Yet the electorate continues to vote for a Party with a Prime Minister whith a record of supporting death and destruction.
In that respect, should we be so shocked that Grenfell Tower came as such as a surprise? Perhaps not, and not as long as we have a Government with no moral compass.
Date: Saturday, 10th June, 2017.
Sheeple vote for more of the same.
Definition: "Sheeple. Noun. People compared to sheep in being docile, foolish, or easily led."
2017 General Election. No surprises. The flock mentality rules yet again. Here are some interesting statistics:
1. Size of Electorate: 46,843,896;
2. Turnout (of voters): 32,196,918 (68.7%);
3. Votes for the Tories: 13,667,213 (42.4% of the turnout);
4. Share of votes for Tories based upon total electorate: 29.17%;
5. Democratic Unionist Party (Tory 'mercenaries'): 292,316 votes (0.92% of the vote and only 0.62% of the total electorate).
So what do we make of all of this?
The Tories, with the support of the DUP, are only supported by 3 out of every 10 people. This means 7 out of 10 people are disenfranchised.
The DUP, with only 6 out of every 1,000 people voting for them, decide who runs the UK.
The people of the UK seem to think this is fair. Why? Because in 2011, they had the chance to turn out and vote in a referendum on an alternative voting system which would have allowed
a fairer representation of ALL of the people of the UK. But the answer was no. In (roughly) 2 out of 3 votes of those who bothered to vote, this opportunity was turned down. The flock mentality
prevailed and the nation decided it was best to maintain two-party dictatorship of British politics. Pathetic. British society is made up of a myriad of class structures which range from the
most deprived to the most privileged. And because of the flock culture of the sheeple, it will always be a factor in the British mentality to flock to either a left-wing or right-wing party.
In other words, safety in numbers.
So how does one break this divisive system? The British will never break it because they are sheeple. It is their inbred nature to behave this way. From the stiff shirts and the brass necks,
right through to the cloth-capped and put-upon lower classes, there is a prevailing desire to stay with a system that does nothing to resolve the differences in our culture.
“Cooperative behaviour in social groups is a very important issue in evolutionary biology. Our results may eventually help us to understand the behaviour of other groups of animals -
including humans - in a stressful group situation.”
They should be teaching this stuff in schools. Perhaps then we would have a chance of turning out people who can learn to think, rather than generations of manipulated minds that only go to
maintain a corrupt establishment.
So on we go. Yet another term (maybe of 5 years) of being dictated to by a political party with a minority vote. But it has always been this way. The system is rigged to ensure that it will remain
as so for the foreseeable future.
OK, sheeple. Time to return to the pasture. In another 5 years time, or maybe less, you will be asked to repeat the process. Threats will be made to frighten you into flocking again and to vote
for all the same narrow-minded politics that you feel will keep you safe.
I would say that is all for today. But perhaps you would better understand me if I signed-off in this way ...
Date: Sunday, 4th June, 2017.
Voters! Get your priorities right.
Here we go again. Another General Election, another battle for the programmed minds of the British electorate. Democratic process, or just another exercise in propping-up a divided nation and
maintaining a two-party dictatorship.
How the establishment has you marching to their orders. They bark out the orders, “left, right, left, right, left, right, etc.”. In other words, Labour, Conservative, Labour, Conservative, Labour,
Conservative, etc.
You would think that the British public would be wise to this programming by now. But with the Nation divided, each faction is desperate to deny their main opponents the opportunity to govern.
It is not democratic in any sense of form - when one feels they have to vote one way or another purely out of fear, desperation, or the illusion that those they do vote for will represent the country in
a just and honourable way.
Then add to those who vote for Parties based upon their own (sometimes self-imposed) ignorance of the truth, selfishness, greed, xenophobic tendencies, etc. In other words, voting for a party for all
of the wrong reasons.
General Elections are not just about the UK either. We live on a small planet which we all have to share. A vote for the mainstream Parties just means voting for a continuation for all the mistakes
we continue to make, year-in, year-out. Contaminated food produce, water supply, air pollution. You may not always see or experience these things to a degree where you are fully aware of what is going on.
But ask yourself one thing: Why are cancer rates going up year after year. Back around 1900, cancer rates were (respectively) low. When I was a young man, up to 1 in 3 could expect to develop this nasty
affliction. Now it is 1 in 2. In a continuing trend, and in another few decades time, you will have more chance of developing cancer than not.
So, do you really want to keep voting for Parties that continue down the road to oblivion? Or will you be wise enough to vote for something different? It’s time to think about voting for something that
will safeguard the future of generations to come. It’s time to think about others, not just your own selfish interests.
As I said earlier, it’s a small planet. So why do so many people think only of national issues? We, like others, are a Nation that has a global responsibility towards other Nations. If we are prepared
to trade with them, then surely we must have some mutual understanding of their needs and desires - not just our own.
For example, for many years we have depended upon cheap food and goods. But who cares if your clothes are made in a sweat shop somewhere in Asia? Same with food. Does anyone care if they have a decent
standard of living, or do we just care about getting the next bargain in some clearance sale frenzy?
Those of us in the West are seduced by the establishment who make sure we just have enough to stop us rebelling. But this comes at the cost of exploitation of those in less developed countries.
Then there are wars. Are you going to keep supporting Parties who make war in your name- and against those who have never laid a finger on you , or caused you any harm? The main Parties speak of
‘terrorism’, but they use it as an excuse to help murder, butcher and mutilate innocent people in the name of preventing terrorism fro being exported to our country.
So why do you think we have terror attacks in our country? Get the shit out of your eyes, de-programme yourself and start to think outside of the box (a box that the main Parties want you to live in
and control what you think).
Do you really want to vote for more of this?
LINK: How some of the leaders have voted on different wars.
Theresa May. 'War Horse' or 'War Whore'?
Terror attacks are happening because corrupt Westernised societies only think about the exploitation of other poorer and weaker nations. If we do not like their politics, their leaders, their failure
to use our international trading currencies, we attack them. The establishment gives you phoney excuse and bullshit stories about how we have to get involved in the politics of other countries so that we
have an excuse to destroy their infrastructure (and then, at the end, impose our own compliant Westernised ‘poodles’ or right-wing tyrants).
Now, and provided you have an IQ that at least runs into two figures, consider this: The West goes on yet another ‘crusade’ against the Middle East. Those of Middle Eastern cultures who are witness to
the atrocities our Government perpetrates, or supports (namely successive USA administrations), will be angered by what they see.
They have lived here for many years. We may not always agree with some of their practices, beliefs or ideologies, but we have never had cause to go to war on our own territory with them - until now.
Those who commit acts of terrorism here are reacting to the excessive violence which we have continued to support via voting for political entities who care nothing about the death and destruction
they bring to other parts of the world. If we vote for cold-blooded murderers to govern us, then what message does that give out? Isn’t it so bleeding obvious? I despair of those who cannot make the
On June 8th, 2017, you have the chance to change all of this. But I doubt if you will. In this self-righteous, self-interested, ignorant, dumb-down Nation of ours, we will merely go like sheep into
the voting booths and think only of our own vain interests.
So what will you do on this fateful day? Continue to be sheep? Or perhaps you will vote for another party? Perhaps the Greens? Could the Greens do any worse? Not really. The Greens are a global movement.
Symbiosis is the only word you need to understand. We are all in this together, whether we be from the UK, or somewhere the other side of the planet - and everywhere else in between.
If you cannot understand what I have said today, then you are lost. Vote for whom you like and be prepared to take the consequences. But do not go whining to your MP, or the media, if you vote for the
real supporters of terrorism (the war-mongering politicians) and then suffer a ‘counter-terrorist’ attack. This is because you will reap what you sew.
Don’t forget that the next time an atrocity is perpetrated in the UK. YOU helped start this chain of events because YOU voted for a politician who supports terrorism in other parts of the world. Don't
be a 'Brexit' obsessed moron. THINK!
End of.
Date: Sunday, 28th May, 2017.
Life where I live is not perfect. It could be a lot worse. What the area suffers from most of all is neglect, apathy, lack of funding,
and a micro-culture of drug-addiction, ‘motorised morons’, and a rapidly reducing sense of hope that it will get better any time soon.
A typical day here consists of surviving all the obstacles and distractions that make life more upsetting, irritating and downright
Motorists are one of the problems at the top of the list. Most around here are considerate and careful drivers. But there are a few who
think that the area between Pennwood Court and the Coalway Road (in Merry Hill - or Merry Hell as some call it) is just a racetrack. And it
is not just reckless speeding at velocities much greater than 30mph. It is also the noise levels. These same idiots seem to think it is a
real whizz to rev up their engines so they can make as much noise as they can without burning out their engines.
In this respect, we suffer from this sub-class, or should I say sub-species, of humanity who appear to have pea-sized brains and even
smaller physical lower appendages. It is a sign of those who are mentally and socially subnormal that by making as much noise as they can,
that it will in some perverse way make up for what they lack in all other physical and emotional aspects. This is just the first example of
the type of vermin who plague the area.
Next up is the treacherous state of the pavement outside the shops between Boots and the Co-Op. Here cars park at various angles, and
even sometimes block the pavement. I say ‘pavement’ but to describe it as so is somewhat deceptive. Cracks and uneven surfaces make
navigation difficult should someone wish to use a wheelchair.
Then there is the sloping surface immediately outside of the shops which is treacherous in the Winter and always leads to a few falls
(at least).
Add to this the shops who struggle to survive due to high rents. And there is at least one fast food outlet which closes early to avoid
drunken beggars coming in late at night to harass the owner into giving away free food.
If this were not enough, we then have to put up with yapping dogs kept in flats where the housing contract specifically bans tenants
from keeping dogs. Another canine issue the dangerous breeds of dog who are sometime allowed to run off the lead.
The stench of cannabis also permeates around some of the corridors of the local blocks of flats. While there is an amiable
live-and-let-live attitude among the local residents, nobody wants cannabis fumes coming into their property.
On top of all of this, we get the occasional incident, perhaps every few years, of people either being maliciously wounded, or perhaps
even murdered.
Potential drug-dealers spotted in the area move around unfettered - thanks to the disinterested local law enforcers.
Of all of those things which Wolverhampton Homes could try to remedy, no interest is shown by the organisation in doing anything
constructive. In fact, the only time Wolverhampton Homes become sufficiently motivated is when any of their tenants are late paying rent.
Then the threats come in. Perhaps if they showed the same willingness to remedy the anti-social antics of some of the local residents,
then life around here would improve.
By all means visit Merry Hell if you wish. Feel free to upset the locals by driving like a lunatic. Feel free to come and urinate or
smoke in the stairwells of the flats. Feel free to let your pit bulls (and the like) run free. Come and smoke cannabis, get inebriated,
abuse the local environment, etc. Merry Hell is open to business from all of the anti-social elements that have nothing better to do that
behave like complete assholes.
And, once again, do not worry about interference from the police. They are non-existent. And when you do get a rare sighting of PC Plod,
then you will often find they are narrow-minded and like to practice double-standards. Perhaps if they stopped trudging around the city
centre trying to look as though they are performing a useful purpose, they could instead try and make their presence known in the suburbs.
But judging by the significant number of patrol cars in the crowded Bilston Street Police Station car park, it seems they prefer home
comforts. Unless, of course, it is a nice warm and sunny day. That is when they tend to venture out - but never too far, or course.
Have a nice day - or not.