29th December, 2022: The 'Clown Show' continues ...
... and there will be no end to it until disaster strikes.
Well ... the bizarre collection of lunatics, idiots, clowns and criminals who dominate world politics continue to defy all logic. Stupidity and insanity grows exponentially
each year as Russophobic states continue on their path to self-destruction.
The really disturbing thing though is these people keep getting re-elected to power. So while the Westernized political institutions look as though the lunatics are firmly in charge
of the asylum, we are trapped in there with them. How much longer will the mainstream masses keep trying to ignore this?
The UK, now being mismanaged by Barmy Boris' arch-enemy, is actually doing what Boris set out to do. That is keep supporting the Nazi agenda in Ukraine. So what chance do we have
for survival if all elements of the ruling Tory Party are going to continue with their madness? The terrible thing is that if they do get displaced at the next General Election, another
set of equally stupefying idiots, the Labour Party (with or without the assistance of the Liberal Democrats), will take their place.
If this was not enough already, the annual influx of illegal immigrants and refugees, which seems to get worse as each year passes, are being housed in hotels and other places of
'hospitality'. What is happening to the country? How will it look in future years? Will some of the immigrants (legal or otherwise) really be dispatched to places like Rwanda?
As insanity rules, one wonders how many British people will consider moving out - to find someone outside the UK where they can live out their frustrated existence?
Whatever happens, the UK is sailing in stormy waters and there is no visible end to the predicament that the British are enduring. So, as I say, consider packing up your belongings
and find somewhere else to live. Either that, or get used to regular bouts of 'mal de mer'.
18th December, 2022: The 'Nazification' of the Western world.
Westernized countries imply it is better to be a Nazi than a Russian
Just a matter of days ago, the UN held a vote on discrimination and the "glorification of Nazism (and neo-Nazism)". The Western nations decided it was better to be a Nazi.
If the vote had not been proposed by Russia, which is allegedly 'recycled' every year, then it may have had more support. But because of Russia's assistance to their people in the East of
Ukraine, it was considered that as a Russian proposal, it should be voted against. The fact that the dissenting Western nations would sink as low as refusing to support the motion shows how
desperate and depraved they are - just for the sake of not appearing to give Russia any form of support whatsoever.
Here is an image captured of the voting screen at the UN and how nations voted. It is notable that many of the nations voting against the measure are located in and around Europe.
Such is their enslavement to the evil desires of the US and their thinly-veiled proxy war against Russia.
Click on image to open in a new window
Here is a text list - just in case you wish to make a simple copy of the dissenting nations:
All other nations of the UN did the decent thing and voted for the motion.
3rd November, 2022: The 'mayfly'.
She (Truss) didn't exist in her job very long, did she?
Within seven weeks she had come and gone. Her reign as the UK's Prime Minister is the shortest on record. She reminds me of the mayfly, a creature that only lives for 24 hours.
You see them alive one day, and then they are dead the next. In political terms, such a short occupation of No. 10 is similar in comparison.
So who do we have to replace her? A little like Boris Johnson, and a number of European leaders, a 'product' made in America. No more than a Yankee-trained 'punkah wallah', he is
there to blow lots of foul-smelling American air in our direction - and all vented straight from the heart of London. America gives the command, and we all catch the draught and feel
the chill.
Moving on, the next budget statement should make for interesting reading. Partly due to the blundering actions of Sunak's predecessor, a shortfall in the Nation's finances has to
be accounted for. Who will suffer, and who will get off less severely than those who will have to carry most of the burden? We can safely assume that those most privileged can afford
to lose a few quid, but the poorest will feel any cuts more severely. Lingchi for the poor, but just a few small bruises for the rich. And those energy bills? How high will they go?
'TV dinners' for the poorest at Christmas time? Or maybe Gazpacho and Arctic roll for those who have had their electricity supply reduced, and cannot afford top-ups for the electric
key meters they have been forced to accept. Cold comfort for those most in need when the extra benefit payments they receive fail to adequately compensate for higher energy bills.
17th September, 2022: Same old, same old.
Changing of the guard in Westminster, and the same Right-wing mentality persists.
Liz Truss is a shameless opportunist who will use any device, even one rooted in immorality, to promote her own agenda and egotistical ideology. She has wanted to be PM for a
long time and cares not what most people think of her. And how sad it is that so many will be taken in by her fake personality and right-wing, xenophobic policies.
OK, so she installs in her Cabinet people of other ethnic origins. But they are there to serve a purpose, not because of some multicultural principles. Nobody gets into a position
of power or authority unless they first sell their soul and abandon any previously held principles they have held.
The Tories are the worst example of the abuse of power. But their opponents who sit across the floor of the House are not much better. Treachery, cronyism and self-interest abound
in this place which is supposed to be a place of democracy. The reality is that the House of Commons is no more than a brothel. As for the House of Lords, this is just a joke.
As for Liz Truss as a person, she embodies everything that is bad about this country. Following in a long line of poodles who have played second string to the corrupt desires of
their transatlantic cousins, her whole demeanour wreaks of mindless obedience to whatever Uncle Sam desires. Her head is filled with the thought that she wants to be seen as something
which she can never be. She will always be a tragic failing of the electoral system in the UK. I would say God help the British, but as long as the discriminating first-passed-the post
system in General Elections prevails, it will always ensure that the status quo is maintained. Minority Parties will always rule and this is why they do not want the system to change.
As they say, turkeys do not vote for Christmas and nobody with a safe and cosy seat in Westminster is going to be in a rush to change the rules that may see them lose their job.
So we are stuck with a cabal of corrupt and conniving criminals.
It's not just a change in Westminster, but also at the Palace. And what an indictment of the mentality of a certain section of the servile British community.
We are told that the queue to see the deceased body of our former Monarch has been 5 miles long, and that people have had to wait up to 14 hours to view Liz's coffin.
It reminds me of an image I saw of an IKEA queue of 'muzzled muppets' snaking all the way around the car park during the early days of the Covid 'scamdemic'. Those at the back must
have waited God knows how many hours just to get entry to buy their 'Contiboard crap', and possibly have to queue up again a day or two later when they find the some of the contents are
damaged, missing, or do not fit together correctly. But, hey! After almost remorselessly standing in said car park, and after you have done your shopping, you eventually get to the place
they laughingly call a restaurant - so that you can gnaw away at some gristly meatballs. Never mind, eh? It was good practice for the next day when you had to stand in another long queue
to buy your supermarket groceries, and only to find the fight to get toilet rolls and hand sanitiser was akin to a mediaeval battle scene.
So, as if we did not already know, some Brits will queue for an eternity in an attempt to achieve something that is meaningless and pointless to all others with better things to do.
6th September, 2022: Where does time go?
Yours truly is still living overseas. With the UK energy crisis on the hozizon, I am in no rush to return.
Before I begin, please note that woeverhampton com is now woeza.com.
So what is happening in 'Old Blighty'? It's a term used to describe the UK, and never has it seemed more appropriate. The nation is well-and-truly blighted at this time.
There is a new Prime Minister, but no change in the nation's ethos as it is the 'same old, same old'. The new PM looks like a patsy who is only doing the job to help the
outgoing PM to escape responsibility for the mess he has created. So the next few months or so should be interesting. How will the Tories, the 'Party of the Privileged' extricate
itself from the situation it has inherited. How long before any short-term measures to alleviate the energy crisis give way to the reality of the inevitable and massive increase in
keeping your home warm?
The new PM (and I am really loathe to mention this awful woman's name) will be making a statement this week about the serious issues faced and what her corrupt colleagues will
do to give some protection concerning unaffordable fuel bills. Perhaps I will update next week - after we see what guff comes out of this stupid woman's mouth.
28th May, 2022: Just dropping by ... again
I'm still waiting news about an important development. More about this soon. In the meantime ...
I'm looking at the state of panic that is threatening British people this upcoming Autumn and Winter as the heating goes back on. Who will be brave, or desperate enough, to keep their
thermostats at the 'comfort level' when things get really chilly? Brrr?
While the Chancellor of the Exchequer is going to dish out non-refundable grants to mitigate the upcoming and significant increases in fuel bills, it may not be enough to satisfy those
who are most dependent upon such financial assistance. Of course, it should be noted that the same man that is in control of the UK's purse strings is also one of the richest in the nation.
Yes, Rishi Sunak entered the Sunday Times Rich List of the country's 250 wealthiest people this year (in position #222). He and his family will certainly not feel the big freeze while the
poorest in the population could still be shivering.
I cannot say I have much sympathy though. There is still a large enough chunk of the population who will keep supporting the buffoon in No.10, and his wealthy buddy in No.11, because too
many of them are more than happy to be fawning boot-lickers. Either that or feeble-minded cretins.
The bottom line is you get what you deserve. But let's see how you feel in 12 months time when you have still not paid your energy bill(s) and you are forced to use a 'top-up' meter.
So when that day arrives, you visit your local shop to get your little meter key topped-up so you can keep your electricity supply going. What? Too late? The shop is closed? Guess you will
just have to freeze your butt off until it opens again the next day. As for the gas supply, who knows what will happen?
PS. Do not blame Putin for any form of adversity you may suffer. It's your beloved Boris who decided to encourage more war in Ukraine and try to keep his neo-Nazi AZOV Battalion buddies
pleased by sending them all the support he can muster - and get away with.
14th April, 2022: Time flies.
I've not gone away ... it's just that I have spent my time on the MeWe social media website
It's not easy to manage all of my interests on a regular basis. Money (the lack of) has been at the forefront of my life this year. When it does finally arrive, I then have domestic issues
to resolve - such as creating the new garden in our house. Then there's a bit more furniture to buy and to finally get the kitchen completed with new fitted cupboards. But that is not all.
A small extension to the kitchen is also needed, and some little jobs around the house also need to be addressed. Then there are the new windows to be fitted. The list goes on and on.
Despite all of the matters in hand, it's still nice to wake up to blue skies and lots of greenery. The advantage of living in warmer climate is that there is no real Winter here. The trees
keep their foliage all year round. Better than the sad sight of an Autumn in the UK and watching most of the trees stripped bear and very cold temperatures. Of course, with energy bills also
going through the roof in the UK, that is another reason to be grateful to be away from all of the pressure of making ends meet.
Of course, the situation in Ukraine, and the blatant desire by the West to keep the war going to try and destroy Russia, is raising questions about the possibility of escalation. And if the
'shit hits the fan', as they say, this war could soon spread to many other countries - Word War 3 (or World War 666 as I call it). Ergo, nobody can be sure of their future plans. In fact, I'm
certain of it. We are all going to have to face some harsh realities in the years ahead. I guess the blue skies we have here will be scant compensation when things get really bad.