That's Life

We are Fakir'd

Heaven lies about us in our infancy and the world begins lying about us pretty soon afterward.

- Ambrose Bierce

We are Fakir'd. You are Fakir'd. We are all Fakir'd. The planet is Fakir'd.

Being Fakir'd is just something you cannot avoid. So embrace it and live with it.

Sometimes it will cuddle and comfort you, sometimes it will bite you in the ass. That is life!

So what the heck are we talking about? Are we crazy (we have already covered that, thanks)?

Essentially, and whether you like it or not, we all get Fakir'd every day. You can ignore it, you can challenge it, you can fight back. Do anything you like. But one thing is for sure, your efforts to beat it are destined to failure - you will never be able stop it.

This is why Fakir News exists. We are Fakir News because we know we are truly Fakir'd. It's as easy as that.

So what the Fakir do you want?

In communications, familiarity breeds apathy.

- William Bernbach

Some folk do insist on having their say. OK, as we said earlier, we don't like email. So how do you get your message over? On our 'Fakir You' page, we have provided a way to contact us by solving a simple puzzle on another of our websites. But use this facility with a degree of trepidation, and certainly not expectation.

We also previously mentioned that we were planning to be on Facebook. However, as Facebook is a pain in the ass, this idea has been trashed. We could use other social media, but to be honest, they are only slightly less irritating. Ergo, and unless you think you can get our undivided attention, you are not going to get anywhere.

OK, you can go back to sleep now.

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