Pictured: Trump going to war against (some) Democrat voters.
Time to head South again? Or better still, North!
No passport required!
23rd January, 2025.
In an attempt, legal or otherwise, to stop Democrats winning future US Presidential elections, Donald Trump has decided to deport millions of Democrat voters. To the rest of the world, they are
also known as "illegals", but let's not split hairs here.
However, Donald seems to be guilty of an oversight. Most of these illegals could return to Mexico, but as this nation is in danger of becoming part of the United States, along with Canada, Greenland,
Panama, and any other nation seemingly within reach, they will once again become American citizens. Interestingly, and if Mexico manages to remain independent, it has been suggested that all those of
Mexican and Central / South American heritage, move to Canada and apply for asylum (and rapidly be granted Canadian citizenship).
So poor old Donald loses each time. Any country he decides to annex will automatically reintroduce the problem of illegal immigration that he is trying to solve. And once Canada becomes part of the
United States, all of those who have fled there will be able to travel throughout the country unimpeded. But fear not! Enter 'Californian solution'! All of those people that have previously been used as
sub-minimum wage workers in the State will be take up their old jobs once again (assuming they are still available).
The next step if for Donald is to forget about annexing Mexico and let it remain independent. And once all of the former illegal immigrants have returned to California, offer to make it part
of Mexico, with everyone in the State becoming a Mexican citizen. They can have it for free! Gavin Newsom, Hollywood, the earthquakes, etc., America gets rid of a lot of long-standing problems. The Mexicans
can inherit all that California has to offer and the new citizens are instantly employed - and no more Democrat voters from that part of the Union! Problem sorted?
I can be a bit of a contradiction. I take some of life's issues very seriously, but also possess a wicked sense of humour. It's not to everyone's taste, but to be frank, I do not care.
Being a pensioner who will be 70-years-old this year, I think I am entitled to do as I please. Managing this website, along with numerous others, is my hobby. But upon moving home again,
and leaving the country where I currently reside, I am hoping to get out more and free my mind of the daily vigours that I am currently experiencing. My latest 'torment' is that after the last
earthquake I experienced,and the house shaking so badly I thought it would collapse, the ground has not stopped moving. That was over 6 weeks ago. Will the constant swaying motion ever stop?
With luck, I shall have vacated this part of the world this year, and hopefully before my next birthday. I have to add though that I am saddened, mildly depressed, and sickend by the state
of the world in which I live. It seems killing people is preferable to finding common ground and compromise. The human race is, in my opinion, degenerating and looking for any reason to commit
atrocities purely for the same of pride and ambition. If this were happening in volatile nations where conflict is common, I could understand (but not condone) this behaviour. But I see Western
nations approving a blood-soaked answer to regional disputes (such as Ukraine). This can only lead to the world becoming a much more dangerous place.
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