1st Lesson

A demon is never more dangerous than when it is smiling at you. ALWAYS look beyond the flesh, and always remember that demons find the greatest and safest sanctuary in those who allow their souls to be possessed. They will conceal themselves until such a time they can use their victim, or even willing servant, to commit heinous crimes while nobody is watching them.

2nd Lesson

There is a saying that you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. Maybe it's because the water is not safe to drink? This is why we should often trust our instincts and be wary of what we are being offered or led to. If something doesn't seem right, then there is a chance that it is an illusion, a trap, or even something that can lead you to making a fatal mistake.

3rd Lesson

"No man is an island". This is true. But sometimes being an island can be a welcome reprieve from the inane ramblings of the herd mentality.

Consider this suggestion carefully. When the voices around us can drive us to distraction, we can crave the isolation that allows us to think more clearly for ourselves. It can take days, weeks, or even longer to regain one's composure and readjust for when we enter mainstream society once again - in any way, shape, form or capacity.

4th Lesson

A 'conspiracy theorist' can be a forward thinker. Such a person prefers not to wallow in the mediocrity of the present. Genuine researchers investigate, explore many possibilities and use many resources to come to conclusions which can at least be largely indisputable. Using these 'tools' they can logically project what can or will happen in the future, or what is happening in the present and which is not easily available to the greater masses. Don't condemn them for making startling claims when they have at least done some homework in an effort to understand the world around them.

5th Lesson

You will only ever own one single precious thing in your life. It is your soul. Protect it. It is the key to your evolution beyond this material world. So why risk damnation merely for the sake of some short-lived material gain? Are you really so desperate to satisfy what you think is a need, but is in fact no more than a desire? Be wary of 'signing on the dotted line', because this type of contract has no get out clause.

6th Lesson

There is one 'currency' that is guaranteed to devalue each year. It is not made of paper, plastic or metal. This currency is called the truth. And yet many of you allow it to slip between your fingers like grains of fine dry sand. Embrace it as you would a loved one. Cherish it as a gift that cannot be tarnished. Truth is eternal and will never go away. Only you can turn away from it, but it will never leave you. It will be in your DNA and to ignore it means you are denying yourself salvation.

7th Lesson

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." But fool me thrice? Accept you are no more than one of life's perpetual, gullible and willing victims. Does the hat fit your head? If so, maybe there is someone out there who can sell you a tree that produces real gold every year.

8th Lesson

At the end of every term of political office, we have elections. But it matters not the colour or the mealy-mouthed promises of the candidate's Party, there is almost the certainty of one consequence. War will prevail when those who are voted into office prefer to rank ignorance above intelligence.

"If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.” - Attibuted to Emma Goldman.

9th Lesson

Got to say something which you think needs to be shared? Something you think will interest the public at large? Never rely upon support from those you think will support you for exposing some great crime or injustice. Forget it. For example, Julian Assange exposed the misdeeds of the American establishment. He thought that the revelations he published would see the culprits punished for their indiscretions. The simple fact is that whistleblowers have few friends, and little support. This in itself can be a crime, but not one which is recognised by those in authority, including those who wield enough power to destroy anyone daring to speak out against 'the system'.

10th Lesson

Always beware of those who repeat popular narratives. Many do so to appease their masters and to try and make themselves popular. The truth is that many of them never really undestand what they are saying as they do no research of their own. They are 'useful idiots' who will say anything to make it appear they are of some importance in our society. They will never be true leaders, just followers of a trending theme. It's called 'jumping on the bandwagon'. The bandwagon rolls into town and everyone wants to listen to the music. It's a way of attracting attention, and they want to be part of the entertainment. And if the music turns sour, then they depart and disappear.