51st Lesson

Why does our species think it acceptable to imprison animals? Doesn't every living creature have the right to exist in it's own environment? The human race has a long history of enslavement of it's own kind, so what respect are animals likely to receive? Some people still locked into some form of slavery where their labour earns them a pitiful amount to survive upon. So it is work, or starve.

With some animals, they are either trapped in zoos, or much worse, locked into cages in medical research establishments. One of the terms used by animal rights activists in the latter instance is 'Auschwitz for Animals', and there are no shortage of 'Dr Mengeles' working inside these animal torture chambers.

To make matters worse, animal research is sometimes conducted on behalf of the cosmetics industry, after all, some stupid and self-absorbed people think that make-up is more important than any humane treatment of animals. Zoos are not much better. The physical may largely be absent, but the psychological effect of being imprisoned in a small enclosure remains.

Next, we have working animals. This can vary between being used for heavy labour, or just small-minded entertainment in places such as circuses. In the big top you will see animals forced to learn tricks, and this is only through constant abuse until they do what their owners want. And when they are not forced into humiliation in the circus ring, they are then taken back to cages for transport to the next location.

Finally, we have pets. Some are naturally domesticated and co-exist with us in mutual relationships. This is usually cats and dogs. They have come to learn to be part of our lives and understand the rewards they can get from living with us. But other animals? Who keeps animals for any other purpose than companionship and the love they receive? Some animals are kept to comfort our insecurities, our feeble mindedness and are denied a natural environment. 'Exotic' animals come off worst of all. For example, do you really want to keep a snake for company?

Whatever your interest in keeping pets, respect their need for a life that is more natural to their usual environment, rather than being kept to satisfy your perverted and morbid fascination.

52nd Lesson

Cosmetic surgery and the creation of 'plastic people'. Why in God's name do some people let vanity rule their lives, and abuse themselves when there was nothing wrong with them in the first place?

In some situations, a horribly disfiguring feature can make you feel much less of a person than you really are. It's understandable that you would want to remedy this part of your body that causes you to feel insecure and damages your self-confidence. But how badly do you feel about yourself? Do you really need to undergo the procedure to rectify something that did not require any intervention? We live in an age where outward appearance is considered more of a priority than what lies beneath a person's skin. Feature enhancements are performed merely to satisfy the shallow desires of the patient.

There have been some prominent 'celebrities' who have undergone numerous adjustments to their bodies in a vain attempt to achieve a look that can sometimes hideous in it's final result. Face lifts, breast implants, 'lip fillers', etc. Why does a normally healthy and attractive person want to go so far? They think they are 'fine-tuning' their faces and bodies when in fact they are merely submitting themselves to an idea that society may find them more attractive if they undergo some procedure. How insecure are people like this?

If there is really nothing wrong with you, then leave alone. Remember the old saying that "if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it". But it's up to you to decide. If you do something that does nothing to improve your face or your body, then I would not condemn you for it. I would feel pity for you. And if your unnecessary physical adjustments leave you looking like a freak, then pity alone is not what you will get. I would start to question your sanity.

53rd Lesson

Too many irritations? Life's a bitch sometimes, isn't it. It's not your fault if you are having a 'delicate' day and do not want any annoyances that will make it worse. This is when something you may normally tolerate, at least to some degree, becomes a major issue. Being stuck in a queue, be it in traffic, in a shop, post office or bank, people obsessed with their cell phones and not paying attention, being rushed, harassed, anywhere where your patience will be sorely tried, these are the scenarios that can cause you to react with sheer frustration.

If you can, you need to walk away. This is especially true if the service you are trying to access is badly managed or understaffed. Waiting to check out in a supermarket with only a few cashiers, and then observing there are trained or experienced staff on the shop floor not doing anything useful? 'Sod's Law', as it is sometimes known, states that as soon as you give up and walk away, more checkouts open. If only you had hung on just a little longer.

Tiredness can make things even worse. Routines that you go through each day without difficulty suddenly do not go as smoothly as they should. Maybe a reliable piece of equipment you use regularly stops working at the one time you really are depending upon it. Of all the times it could happen, why now? And because you are tired, you just cannot take it in your stride. And on a bad day, it's like the straw that breaks the donkey's back.

Little daily irritations can also shred your nerves - just like the proverbial 'Chinese water torture'. That 'drip-drip' effect can get worse as time goes by. There are lots of things that can make your day one to forget. If you live alone, you can just resign yourself to the fact you need to get away and forget everything you had planned for the day. But if you have some responsibility, if you have family or friends depending upon you, then your life can become a nightmare - if you allow it to.

Understand that there will be times like this. If you can chill out, break your routine or schedule, think, what the Hell? I am going to walk away from all of this. If people are relying upon you, just tell that you are having a day when you cannot cope, and that you have to let them down. A loving family, or friends, will understand. Never feel guilty, because you need to maintain your health and your sanity.

54th Lesson

In the previous lesson (53rd) I discussed issues that can lead to disharmony. Meditation is one way to escape from this, even if only temporarily. But consider this type of insightful thought process as a preventative medicine, rather than a last minute cure. If you meditate regularly, get your life into balance and understand your limitations, than anything the world throws at you should be easier to cope with. Well, that is the theory.

In reality, can you meditate? Do you know how to? If your environment is not a good one, if you feel constantly bombarded with challenges you cannot handle, then your entire life is just one long and unbearable disaster. Getting away for a short time is not a lasting solution. Making lame excuses for yourself that this is the way life has to be is just a cop-out. You need to decide if you need a very long or complete break from what you are doing with your existence.

You have to allow as much time as needed to reflect upon where you are going, what you wish to achieve. This can take a great deal of meditation, and whatever your soul is telling you one day, it may be different from what it is telling you the next. You need to keep reasoning with yourself what is best for you. Never discount solutions which may seem implausible because they may be the only ones that can save you. How you employ these solutions is your only real challenge. But above all, don't make barriers for yourself. Don't defeat yourself even before you have begun your healing process.

The result of any meditation can result in serious alterations to your life. Accept this and decide if you really want to make the changes you need. Although these changes, if you make them, can improve your life, also consider the impact it will have on those closest to you. Also consider that at a later stage you made the wrong choice. This emphasises the need for a temporary reprieve so that you really do afford yourself enough time to decide what you want. Never turn back on the path that is leading you to a place you should be. Never cut short your meditation.

Wherever you are, whatever your situation, I wish you luck. I truly do hope you find what you are looking for. But always be fully prepared to be courageous, and to follow through on your plans.

55th Lesson

How much debt has America accumulated? How much more money will be printed? Is the sky the limit? Is there an end to this madness?

I once encountered a guy during a stay in America while I was out and about exploring. He was a very nice person, but all was not right with him. For some reason, and I have learned of others who do this, he was into self-abuse. He would burn himself with cigarette ends, and cut himself with razor blades. Who would do this to themselves? But self-destructive behaviour is not just confined to those who harm themselves, it can also effect those they can also impacted by their addiction.

This brings me to the level of spiralling debt in America. Looking at the 'debt clock' website, I can see (at the time of writing) that the country's debit increases by about two million dollars every sixty seconds. That is insanity, but very few people seem to care. For most, as long as they get their pay cheque, then that is all they seem to be concerned about. Excuse my terminology, and it is not meant to offend anyone, but it's like looking at someone counting their money in a lunatic asylum while all chaos is going on around them.

The US Debt Clock (opens in a new window).

Each year, and almost until the last minute, the American government debates, argues and contests the problem of financing their system for yet another year. All public employees working for the Government are left on tenterhooks, waiting to see if they will have a paid job to return to just days later. Is this anyway to run a sensible financial system with a degree of fiscal responsibility?

The day will arrive when it is realised this cannot continue. There has to be a radical development of affairs to either deal directly with this madness, or to contrive something to distract the general public. A very big war is one option that can be exploited. And when I say 'big', I mean global. Anything, even if in total desperation, or sometimes some insane form design, to get the country behind you and appeal to patriotism. Anything that will make people consider that the defence of their country is more important than domestic challenges.

In Argentina, they have very serious financial issues to deal with. In 2023, the voters elected Javier Milei as their President. his mandate was to take action and deal with the country's large debt. This has meant that everyone in Argentina has to bear some of the suffering that comes from making painful decisions. How much civil unrest will this lead to? Perhaps something America is afraid of, thus needing the 'distraction' I speak of to divert attention away from the profligate actions of it's lawmakers. For whatever reason, a big war is coming. And the next one will focus on blaming someone else for causing it. That is why the 'patsy' in this instance is Russia. After all, why take the blame for something you have done when you can put it all on someone else?

56th Lesson

The New World Order. In principle, it could be a good idea, but it is to be controlled by those with evil motives. So it becomes a bad one.

A world unified by one government, one where there is no more war, everyone lives by the same rules and standards, where harmony is the core principle, is something that we would all benefit from. But are those who are slowly working towards this concept all that they seem? The current method of universal democracy is being enforced at gun point. It's not just the Americans who are part of this way of thinking, many Western nations are also favouring this way to achieve this objective.

At this time, we face a 'multipolar' world rather than one coming together in peace. Russia and China are the obstacles to the corrupt and evil version of democracy that the West wishes to inflict upon all of us. This is what happens when there is disagreement on the way forward, and those who want things all their own way decide it can only be achieved through violence, corruption, invasion or insurgency (to name but a few!). It's like a playground squabble between various gangs, and the worst of them all are those that employ thugs to achieve their aims.

This all sounds like a speech given by John F Kennedy on April 27th, 1961. Here is a small part of it: "... infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. ...". This is the way things are, and they have been like this for a very, very long time. It's a tried and tested way of winning drawn-out battles.

Now ask yourself, what kind of a New World Order are we facing when it is baptised in blood? This is how it shall be as we see no force upon this Earth that can prevent it. In fact, the forces of evil are so great, that any battle for universal supremity can only be achieved when those fighting such evil with an equal level of ferocity - just to defend themselves. This is, in a perverse way, a 'natural' law. For every action, there is a reaction.

"To every action, there is always opposed an equal reaction; or, the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts." - Newton's Third Law of Motion.

It is the same in any scenario, be it physical, emotional and spiritual. We all react to something that threatens or endangers us. But when human ambition is applied to this equation, the reaction can be greater than the action that causes it. So then you are in danger of getting further reactions, to and fro, until something breaks.

If you disagree with me, so be it. But remember you cannot remain in the womb forever. Sooner or later, you have to come out and face the harsh realities of this world, and all that is wrong with it.

57th Lesson

Genetically modified food and pesticides. Our land is poisoned and contaminated, and all because of modernisation, economy and efficiency. But at what cost? Poisoning Gaia (aka: 'Mother Earth')?

Traditional farming was simple, and it was untainted. Although it could be afflicted by disease, there were some methods to counteract this. With animal farming, there wasn't much you could do to stop a disease seriously harming or killing your livestock. But with agriculture, we employed a system of 'crop rotation'. This meant never growing the same crop in the same field each year. Then there is something called 'nitrogen fixing' and 'fallowing'. Both of these systems are beneficial to the land and help improve crop yields. But then along came 'factory' and 'prairie-style' farming. Large areas of land were turned into vast areas to grow crops. But this in turn meant having to use chemicals (such as pesticides, herbicides and fungicides) to protect them. If one part of a large area was infected, so the remainder of the crop was also in danger.

Crop rotation helped in the fight against disease. Land that was left fallow had a chance to recover and restore it's natural balance of nutrients. Nitrogen fixing had a similar effect. But we have lost this as small agricultural farms are no longer financially viable. And with chemically-saturated crops being cheaper to produce, it became more difficult to survive.

The effect upon humans and their consumption of chemically-treated crops is a contentious issue. The establishment will always reassure you that their products are safe to eat. But is that the truth? I was once informed the best way to poison someone is slowly but surely. That leaves little or no evidence to prosecute the assailant. Modern commercial farming could also be accused of doing the same thing, slowly poisoning our bodies. This time not with intent to harm or kill us, but merely for the love of money and big profits.

My advice to anyone who does want a healthy lifestyle and diet is this: grow your own food when you can. If you cannot get everything you desire, then organic produce is far more common in supermarkets than it was when I was younger. In fact, and as a child, it was unheard of and considered a 'cranky' and faddish practice. Also do not think you can grow enough of the basic foods for yourself or your family. I once had two 6ft x 3ft deep beds which produced far more than I could eat. Root vegetables, brassicas (eg. cabbages, cauliflowers), soft fruits, etc. In fact, you could grow most of your own food this way. So why pay inflated prices in the shops? Just spend a little time planting in a nutrient rich soil, and then sit back. Nature will do the rest. And the feeling of picking your food from your own garden is very rewarding and 'soul-warming'.

The other obscenity in the farming industry, both animal and agricultural, is genetically modified food. It is not needed. Commercially we can grow as much as we need without indulging in this 'Frankenstein' method of food production. But it is something that again makes big profits for those who manufacture the chemicals to spray or inject onto these types of produce. Some genetically modified crops won't even grow without these specialised chemicals being applied. They go hand-in-hand. As for animals, what exactly is injected into them before they reach the consumer?

Finally, there are products that kill weeds (glyphosates). These are possibly the most evil of all. They are potentially carcinogenic and should never have seen the light of day, and certainly not been commercially available. OK, some weeds are persistent and a nuisance, but this is where you need to do your homework. Are there natrual solutions to this challenge? You should never go for the quick and easy solution as this will cause more harm to the environment than the benefits you think you will be getting.

In closing I say this: the food we grow has survived for millennia without the use of chemicals. It will always be there. The only reason for large scale production, as I have stated, is money, and politics. Politics? Politicians will always want to boast about the cost of your shopping basket, and how they can make it affordable. But the environmental cost is never factored in. This is where we lose.

58th Lesson

Do you need your church (or your temple, or mosque)? Religion can be more dangerous than beneficial - especially when faith becomes belief.

Places of worship can be very comforting at times. Even when you are not a regular attendee. or even do not indulge in worship at all. But when you are down and out, feeling in need of some help, then you may just wonder into your chosen place of worship and seek some solace. Perhaps you will even pray to the God you have consistently denied and never have spoken too. Perhaps you do go and worship regularly, but also go to listen to the lessons being preached. Maybe some of these lessons resonate with you and help you. Whatever your reason, nobody will deny the fact that sometimes you do need that helping hand.

But these is not the issues I wish to focus upon. Firstly, what is 'religion'? This practice calls for (at least) faith in a divine entity. But it is the belief in such that can cause divisions in our society. This is because belief is a form of prejudice. Belief in something means non-belief in anything that challenges your viewpoint. The worst kinds of belief can also lead to extremism as well as prejudice.

In lessons 11 and 32, I mention the principle of considering everything, but believing nothing. The universe is an incredible creation, and many believe that it must have been created by something they often call 'God'. But what is God?

In Christianity, 'He' is the creator of everything that exist in our universe, and that includes the creation of man and woman. So, in effect, we are seen as God's children and nothing else. However, nobody can prove God exists, and it is just a primitive concept - albeit it has stood the test of time. Primitive man (and woman) has sought answers to their existence. Why do I exist, they wonder? Surely there must be a creator who made my furthest ancestors, and that we have evolved from them.

Science varies on these thoughts. While some deny the existence of a God, and they think that human evolution came about in a much different way, some also accept that something 'divine' must have created the universe and all that exists within it. Nobody can explain the universe, so whatever the theories, or beliefs, it matters not.

Question: does 'God' need man more than man needs God? Did we create God to justify our actions, or did God create us to justify 'his' (or it's) existence? Can there be one without the other?

What does matter is the use of religion in the form of extreme behaviour. 'Holy Wars' are a result of the clash between two (or more) faiths when one feels threatened by the other. In the Islamic world, they see a constant struggle against the Devil and feverously defend that thought. In other religions, the acceptance of a malign deity is also there, but acceptance of this fact is far more passive in it's reaction to the presence of the Devil in our world.

Conflict between Islamic and Zionist faiths is the most dangerous of all. In one part of the Middle East is locked in a constant struggle to impose it's ideology and not cede a single inch of disputed land. This is the situation in and around the State of Israel. Opposing forces always wary of each other actions, it is a 'spiritual fault line' which often erupts and causes untold levels of harm.

We must therefore question faith and belief where it manifests itself in such a violent way. Is it right to be so submissive to something that can cause you to be like this?

I personally consider myself to be spiritual. I have no religious loyalties, no fixed beliefs, I just accept that I exist and try to follow a path that is based upon recognising the difference between right and wrong. Having said this, I do not discount religious scriptures in their entirety. In fact, whatever your preferred reading material, valuable lessons can be learned from their existence. Never routinely discount centuries of wisdom, just interpret them the correct way.

"Heretic", some may say of me. I do not care. My 'church' is within me. It is in all of us, in whichever way, shape or form you wish to recognise it. But it is there. Nobody can take that away from me, or you, and it goes with us into the next life. That's all we need to know.

"Goodnight, thank you, and may your God go with you." - Former talented and very popular Irish comedian, Dave Allen.


59th Lesson

When the State approves of and promotes child abuse. Is your child safe from those who would corrupt them? Disturbing noise have been coming from America.

Children have always been in danger in some countries, from physical abuse to trafficking. But nobody really expected danger to children from an allegedly civilised country. Sadly, that danger has emerged as a clear and present threat to their safety.

Briefly, and before I expand on this matter, I can tell you that the American establishment is putting children in harm's way approving their access to gay child 'sex education', though it is no more than pornography. There is also the distressing tale of some educators trying to go beyond the wishes of a child's parents (or guardians) and persuade them to consider making a decision to become 'transgender'. This is usually, from the reports seen, aimed at boys who are being told they can ignore their parents and start to undergo a sex change regime. This usually involves the use of drugs known as 'puberty blockers'. These two issues alone expose how some people in America are abusing their power, as well as attempting to abuse and corrupt very young children.

Pornography: the first threat. Shockingly, some leading politicians are in favour of exposing very young children to literature which illustrates gay sexual behaviour between boys. These politicians, to date, include the President and his wife (the Bidens), and both Hillary and her daughter, Chelsea Clinton. They not only see no wrong in this sleazy and depraved way of 'educating' children, and openly promote it's aims.

While sex education (in a carefully-controlled environment is going to be taught to teenagers, demonstrating it to children as young as (around) 5 years of age is no less than corruption. Children of a very young age should not be exposed to anything that can have such a deep emotional impact upon them and disturb their natural development. We all know that, but in the demon infested hierarchy of American politics, it is obviously going to be their aim to further their Satanic agenda.

Gender change: the second threat. Some children are being targetted by their educators in an attempt to persuade them to make decisions on their sexuality. Again, young children are the ones who are in real danger. So what right does an educator have to isolate a child and brainwash them without the parents / guardians being informed? These educators are no more than sexual predators looking to forward their own 'woke agenda' with vulnerable children becoming the victims of their own perverted behaviour.

I am not going any further with this issue, but I am going to provide you with a few links from a news website that is exposing the depravity of the (mostly) American establishment.

[1] Child gender change and paedophilia.

[2] Child pornography

NB. Both of the above links open in a new window.

60th Lesson

Ukraine: an American prostitute ... and monster. Part 1.

Exactly how low can the Ukrainian administration possibly sink? All the way down into the deepest, darkest bowels of Hell?

There are prostitutes, and there are political prostitutes. The latter does not just sell it's own virtue, but also that of it's own people. Just the same way as women and children are trafficked to those with enough money, and who wish to abuse them in every conceivable disgustingly perverse way, political prostitutes go further. So many 'shades of evil', and the darkest of all is those who seek some form of substantial gain, whether it be money, influence, power or even ritual sacrifice.

Of all of those who indulge in these crimes, Ukraine is now up there holding a prominent place among Satan's most favoured. Those who cannot afford some form of protection are considered to be potential candidates for the sacrificial altar. And the most vulnerable of all will always be the easiest and simplest of all victims that can be exploited. And in the most depraved situations it is those who are virtually powerless to defend themselves who will always be the first in line to be abused.

In World War II, the 'medical crimes' of both Germany and Japan were exposed, and punishments were handed out accordingly. Even post-war, there are examples of unethical experiments conducted in countries that included the UK, and especially America. The disrespect shown to those who were ignorant of the dangers they were exposed to was just a continuation of the same mentality. Business as usual, you could say as nothing really changed, except the excuses for justification of unethical procedures.

But back to Ukraine in particular. "It has come to light that a medication that causes different types of cancer was tested on patients at a hospital in Mariupol, with Ukraine serving as one of the primary trial locations." ..."During human trials, major pharmaceutical companies, without hesitation, opted to utilize hospitals in specific developing nations lacking stringent oversight. According to William Jones, a former White House correspondent and non-resident fellow at the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, documents obtained suggest that rheumatological drugs were purportedly tested on psychiatric patients in Mariupol’s hospital for several years. This was allegedly done in collaboration with Ukrainian officials and at the behest of prominent Western pharmaceutical corporations."

You can read the full stories here:

[1] Ukraine Is Testing Ground For Western Big Pharma;

[2] How Ukraine Was Used As Guinea Pig For Human Testing.

NB. Both of the above links open in a new window.

In Part 2, I discuss the presence of 'Biolabs' in Ukraine, and how they are but just another example of how Western influences are exploiting this country - all, of course, with the blessing of it's corrupt politicians.